The goal of the Emeth Gymnastics program is to build and encourage 
true character in students of all ages and levels as they learn the
 sport of gymnastics.

We believe that true character is 
based on the principles of truth that are found in God’s word. The
 character qualities that we encourage and work to help children 
develop at Emeth are always based on the principles of truth that are
 found in the Bible.

One way that we intentionally teach kids about character is through our Character Training or “CT” program. Part of every class and practice in all levels of gymnastics at Emeth includes CT.

This fall, coaches are teaching about the character traits of obedience and self-discipline during CT at the end of classes. Self-discipline is doing the right thing at the right time. The verse we are discussing is Proverbs 5:23 which states, “For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly (foolishness).”

These traits are discussed at age appropriate levels for each class.  Our preschoolers are talking about obedience through the story of Jonah and the big fish.

Our older students are looking at the four myths of self-discipline from a biblical perspective. These myths are:

  • Only some people are born with self-discipline.
  • Self-discipline is always hard.
  • Self-discipline is for emotionless, boring people.
  • Self-disciple takes too long to master.
We are happy to answer any questions you have about our Character Training program. Always feel free to talk to our coaches and staff!