The character trait for Session 7 is the trait of humility. In our society, the trait of humility is usually not associated with athletics. We live in a culture where pride is celebrated, and arrogance is almost expected in regard to sports. Ironically, it is the trait of humility that allows an athlete to be the very best he can be.HumilityThe verse for the session comes from Romans 12:3. “Don’t think of yourself more highly than you should. Be reasonable when you think about yourself.” This session, coaches are emphasizing that being humble means thinking correctly about yourself and treating others as more important.

In his book Don’t Waste Your Sports, C.J. Mahaney shares the profile of the humble athlete.

An athlete that shows humility:

  • Welcomes critique and correction from coaches and teammates. If we’re humble, we realize that we have weaknesses, so we welcome correction. If we’re humble, we know we need to improve, so we want others to show us where and how.
  • Acknowledges the contribution of others. No athlete accomplishes anything alone.
  • Is gracious in defeat and modest in victory. When the humble athlete loses, he recognizes that his opponents played better, and he sincerely congratulates them on their win. And when the humble athlete wins, there are no excessive celebrations, no inappropriate victory dances. DSC_0385
  • Honors his coach. He expresses gratitude and accepts the role the coach chooses for him.
  • Respects the officials. He doesn’t protest a call—even if it was inaccurate.
  • Gives glory for all his athletic accomplishment to God. He knows that all of his athletic skill is ultimately a gift from God.


“Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” ~ C.S. Lewis.