Ninja Warrior Classes for Kids: 7 Reasons to Start Today

How excited do your kids get when they hear the word ‘exercise’ or ‘workout’? Yeah – we thought so. Ninja warrior classes can change all that!

Ninja classes are high energy and super fun! They offer valuable training for those who want to improve their athletic skills. They also help develop the character needed to overcome challenges they’ll face later on in life.

The excitement generated from the American Ninja Warrior TV show has brought a much needed mindset change to the way kids view exercise. Yes – exercise is necessary for growing kids. But it’s way more than that! Once your kids discover the fun of mastering obstacle courses, they’ll feel like they have conquered Mount Everest!

Both of my boys love the Ninja Warrior classes at Emeth. It is their favorite night of the week!” -Heather H.

Let’s look at several reasons for enrolling them in ninja warrior classes.

Boy on rings in ninja warrior class

7 Reasons to Start Ninja Warrior Classes

1. Ninja warrior classes require the use of almost every muscle in the body.

Running, climbing, scaling walls, leaping – and more – require lots of strength! Upper and lower body strength and a strong core are needed to develop good posture and a balanced physique. That way, ninjas can maneuver through obstacles with the greatest ease. The variety of equipment available in ninja warrior classes requires the use of all the major muscle groups. Not many sports can say that!

2. Ninja classes develop agility, endurance, and speed.

Completing an obstacle course is challenging. Trying to do so within a time limit is even more challenging! Young ninjas are always trying to find better ways to move quickly and easily through obstacles to knock off more seconds from their time. They are constantly forced to alter positions to stay balanced while running the course.

Ninja warrior classes help develop agility, endurance, and speed which give kids an advantage in other sports too.

3. Ninja classes encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.

Problem solving is a necessary life skill. Without problem-solving skills, you’re left with nothing but frustration. Those who can analyze and quickly solve a problem are the kind of folks that everyone wants nearby when troubles arise!

In ninja warrior classes, kids must figure out the best ways to maneuver through obstacle courses. They learn to adapt their game plan if a previous maneuver didn’t go right or they see a potential problem ahead. They learn to “think on the run” as they tackle one obstacle after another.

4. Ninja warrior classes improve focus and concentration.

“Get your head in the game!” shouted every coach in every sport! Ninja is no exception. Without the precise placement of a hand or foot on the next part of an obstacle course, the athlete could be knocked out of the competition. This means they must learn to stay mentally strong. Keeping their eyes fixed on the next object while keeping distractions out throughout the whole course is a tough mental discipline. If learned at a young age, the benefits carry over to other areas of life and into adulthood.

Boy concentrating during ninja warrior class

5. Ninja warrior classes build self-confidence.

Self-confidence means you view yourself in a positive light and trust your abilities. You take charge of your life by setting goals and finding ways to achieve them. Kids in ninja classes have one goal: conquer this obstacle course as quickly as possible.

As the ninja student conquers each obstacle, their self-confidence goes up another notch. That “I did it!” moment is now firmly established in their mind. The more obstacles they conquer, the more confidence they experience.

They trust their abilities and believe in themselves. They take control of negative self-talk. Thoughts like “This is too hard,” or “I can’t do this,” are treated like another obstacle to conquer.

6. Ninja warrior classes encourage a growth mindset.

Failure is inevitable. It’s a huge part of life. Failure is how we learn what works and why.

In ninja warrior classes, failures are viewed objectively. Kids learn what doesn’t work and focus on finding ways that do work when it comes to overcoming obstacles. Failures become the road to success. Failures do not mean “I am a failure.” If they can’t do something at first, they find another way. This mindset separates those who will be high achievers in life from those who will be mediocre.

7. Ninja warrior classes are non-competitive.

Ninja warrior classes are non-competitive. Many kids are not interested in competitive sports. Exercise means sports and sports means playing on a team that competes in games or matches. For some, they immediately feel inadequate or inferior.

Ninja training is different. It’s between you and an obstacle course. No one else. Sure – there may be other kids in the class. But each of them is an individual with their own set of goals to accomplish. The instructor helps each student develop at his or her own pace. He celebrates their skill accomplishments along the way.

Ninja competitions are open to those who want to add that element. For many others, ninja warrior classes are a time to hang out with friends and have fun getting in shape.

Getting Started with Ninja Obstacle Courses at Home

You may be thinking, “This sounds great, but you don’t know my kid! Exercise and Brussels sprouts are both in the same category!” If that’s the case, why not first try some obstacle course fun at home?

Host a ninja party!

Plan a ninja party and have your child choose the friends he or she wants to invite.

Most families have enough ‘stuff’ lying around to use as obstacles. These might include: old tires, hoops, rope, wooden planks or ladders, large cardboard boxes, etc.

Get the kids involved and have them arrange the objects in a line or circle to create a challenging course. You can find ideas for beginning obstacle courses in this article to help you get started. Supervise for safety and help them get started if needed, but let them create the course as much as possible. Your own enthusiasm and positive attitude will go a long way to help kids get excited.

Sample beginning ninja course idea

Another idea is to take a trial class.

Many gyms offer free trials. This “try-before-you-buy” option is the ideal way to discover what ninja warrior classes are all about. They can explore all the equipment, experience the gym’s atmosphere, and expand their understanding of what a real ninja class like.

We all know the importance of kids getting lots of exercise. They weren’t meant to be sedentary creatures, but active learners. Their overall well-being is dependent upon a strong healthy body. Start now and give them the chance to become fit and confident – well on their way to achieving a healthier, happier life.

At EmethGym, we offer free trials. Not just a 10 minute tour, but a whole class period so kids get to experience the real deal. Parents can ask questions, take a tour of the gym and watch. Talk to the coach afterward and hear what he has to say. It’s fun and free!